Phone: 0409 346 458
Email: [email protected]
RTO Number: 31491
Orange | WH&S | RIIQUA201D- Maintain and monitor site quality standards | Maintain and monitor site quality standards | Deliver and assess |
Orange | WH&S | RIIWHS201D- Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures | Work safely and follow WHS policies and procedures | Deliver and assess |
Green | 1 | BSBFLM303- Contribute to effective workplace relationships | Contribute to effective workplace relationships | Deliver and assess |
Green | 1 | BSBWOR301- Organise personal work priorities and development | Organise personal work priorities and development | Deliver and assess |
Green | 1 | CPPSEC3009A- Prepare and present evidence in court | Prepare and present evidence in court | Deliver and assess |
Green | 1 | CPPSEC3012A- Store and protect information | Store and protect information | Deliver and assess |
Green | 1 | CPPSEC3032A- Gather information by factual investigation | Gather information by factual investigation | Deliver and assess |
Green | 1 | CPPSEC3033A- Conduct interviews and take statements | Conduct interviews and take statements | Deliver and assess |
Green | 1 | CPPSEC3034A- Operate information gathering equipment | Operate information gathering equipment | Deliver and assess |
Green | 1 | RIICOM201D- Communicate in the workplace | Communicate in the workplace | Deliver and assess |
Terms and Conditions
Any party to training, including but not limited to;
(a) The trainee,
(b) An agent of the trainee,
(c) The trainee’s employer or (d) Case manger,
Who creates a need for any remedial action by Aalert or any of its staff or agents binds themselves and the trainee agrees to pay $235 per labour hour or part there of. This includes but is not limited AAlert entertaining or responding to;
(a) Workplace Health and Safety Queensland,
(b) QCAAT,
(c) Department of Education Training and The Arts,
(d) ASQA,
(e) Any second or third party lawyers.
Additionally the party agrees to pay any external costs of AAlert at the rate of cost plus 10% in responding to these matters specifically including but not limited to;
(a) AAlert retaining lawyers,
(b) Travel,
(c) Consulting with other external parties,
Aalert may refuse to respond or act untill an estimate of these amounts is paid in advance to AAlert.
Any party who does not follow the appeals or complaints procedure agrees to be bound to the above by their actions, irrevoacably.
Terms of Trade
(A) Cancellations will be billed at the full rate, (if we can slot in another customer and make use of our time we may chose not to bill you).
(B) We will require payment on the day. We do accept visa card and master card, a 2% processing fee applies. We do accept cheques on the day or you may chose to pay by direct deposit. Our bank account details are below. Please quote the invoice number as the payment reference.
(C) We reserve the right to change dates, with no notice, due to weather, mechanical failure or other issues beyond our control.
(D) Prices may vary if the capability of the trainees varies. You will he advised if this is the case.
(E) An owner or management representative must attend at least the first hour of the activity.
Please note that all payments and enrolment fees are non-refundable. Under exceptional circumstances Aalert may choose, at its sole discretion, to hold enrolment fees in credit. Costs do not include;
(A) GST, (not applicable to this essential supply)
(B) Remedial literacy or numeracy assistance (additional $85 per person)
(C) Government processing fee of $88 per ticket (QLD GOVT policy dictates that we do not get involved in this). This policy will change effective 1 JUL 2007.
20. I AM TRAINING YOU TO THE NATIONAL STANDARD, AND ALSO GROOMING YOU TO BE EMPLOYED IN THE INDUSTRY. This may seem harsh and personal at times. It is ultimately for your own good.
Aalert Training Code of Practice
Educational Standards
Aalert Training will adopt policies and management practices which maintain high professional standards in the marketing and delivery of education services, and which safeguard the educational interests and welfare of participants.
As a Registered Training Organisation, Aalert Training will operate within the principles and standards of the Australian Quality Training Framework. This includes a commitment to recognise the training qualifications issued by other Registered Training Organisations.
Aalert Training will meet all legislative requirements of the State and Federal governments. In particular, requirements of Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000; Workplace Health and Safety; Workplace Relations and Vocational Placement standards will be met at all times.
Recruitment of participants will be conducted at all times in an ethical and responsible manner and consistent with the requirements of the curriculum or National Training Package. Recruitment decisions will rest on the assessment by Aalert Training of the extent to which the stated competency standards and learning outcomes of the program are likely to be achieved by the applicant given her/his qualifications, proficiency, experience and aspirations. Aalert Training will ensure that student selection decisions comply with equal opportunity legislation.
Aalert Training is committed to providing a quality service and a focus on continuous improvement. We value feedback from participants, staff and employers for incorporation into future programs.
Aalert Training has sound management practices which ensure effective client service. In particular we have client service standards to ensure the timely issue of participant results and qualifications. Qualifications are appropriate to competence achieved and are issued in accordance with national guidelines. Our client service quality focus includes a RPL/RCC Policy, a Refund Policy, Complaints and Appeal Policies, an Access and Equity Policy and participant welfare and guidance services. Where necessary, arrangements will be made for those clients requiring literacy and numeracy support programs. We take every opportunity to ensure that this information is disseminated, understood and valued by personnel and clients. Our participant information will ensure that all fees and charges are available to participants before enrolment, that program content and assessment procedures are explained and that vocational outcomes are outlined.
Aalert Training agrees to participate in external monitoring and audit processes required by the state training agency. MANAGEMENT AND
Aalert Training has policies and management strategies which ensure sound financial and administrative practices. Management guarantees the organisation’s sound financial position and safeguards participant’s fees until used for training/assessment. We have a Refund Policy which is fair and equitable. Participant records are managed securely and confidentially and are available for participant perusal on request. Aalert Training has adequate insurance policies.
Aalert Training will market its educational product with integrity, accuracy and professionalism. In the provision of information, no false or misleading comparisons will be drawn with any other provider or course.
Aalert Training has personnel with appropriate qualifications and experience to deliver the training and conduct the assessment relevant to the training products offered. Assessment will meet the National Assessment Principles (including RPL/RCC and credit transfer). Adequate facilities, equipment and training materials will be utilised to ensure the learning environment is conducive to the success of participants. Guarantee Aalert Training will honour all guarantees outlined in this Code of Practice.
Participant Information
Aalert Training will provide accurate, relevant and up-to-date information to participants prior to commencement. This will include, but not be limited to:
Refund Policy
This policy has regard for the unique nature of training provided by Aalert Training. Unlike other institutions most of Aalert Training’s activities are one to one. This requires a commitment of staff and capital equipment that is unlike most of the educational industry. Aalert Training can not be expected to accept losses arising from cancellations, given that the participant, by choosing Aalert Training has requested this particular style of training for their own advantage.
LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY; This policy shall be considered and applied with regard to
Our participant information will ensure that all fees and charges are available to participants before enrolment, on request. Should Aalert Training cancel any program, participants may be entitled to a full refund or transfer of funds to a future program. This will depend on the particular circumstances. All bookings should be regarded as final and non refundable. If an activity needs to be rescheduled due to weather, machinery breakdowns or other issues outside the influence of Aalert Training participants should remain flexible in their availability to reschedule the activity. Aalert training at its sole discretion MAY choose to issue a partial refund or credit, administration and transactional fees may apply.
Cancellation should be made through the Program Registrar.
Aalert Training uses proper accounting standards to ensure that prepayments arerecognised as liabilities. This ensures the terms of the refund policy can be met.
All payments and enrolment fees should be regarded as non-refundable. Under exceptional circumstances Aalert Training may choose, at its own discretion, to hold enrolment fees in credit.
Cancellations and postponments by the trainee or their agent will normally be billed at full rate, unless another customer can be slotted in to that time slot, in which case Aalert Training may choose not to bill the cancelled participant.
Each individual case will be looked at on its own merits
Cancellation should be made through the Aalert Training office.
Access and Equity Policy and Procedures
Aalert Training will meet the needs of individuals and the community as a whole through the integration of access and equity guidelines. We will ensure that equity principles are implemented for all people through the fair allocation of resources and the right to equality of opportunity without discrimination. We will increase opportunities for people to participate in the vocational education and training system, and in associated decisions which affect their lives. We will implement customer oriented conservation programs and target the specific needs of market segments in enhancing the economic development of the organisation.
Appeals Policy and Process
POLICY: Aalert
Training is committed to a fair and equitable process for dealing with participant appeals against assessment policies, processes, practices or outcomes. It strives to deal with issues as soon as they emerge, in order to avoid further disruption or the need for a formal complaint. Participants will be advised, at the time of enrolment, of the appeals process and of their rights with regard to appeals. This information will also be conveyed as part of any initial training program or process.
Complaints Policy and Process
Aalert Training is committed to a fair and equitable process for dealing with complaints. It strives to deal with issues as soon as they emerge, in order to avoid further disruption or the need for a formal complaint. Participants will be advised, at the time of enrolment, of the complaints process and of their rights with regard to complaints. This information will also be conveyed as part of any initial training program or process. COMPLAINTS PROCESS*:
Recognition of Prior Learning/Current Competency Policy
The goal of the Recognition of Prior Learning/Current Competency (RPL/RCC) Policy is to ensure that your prior learning, gained through training, work experience or other life experiences, is appropriately recognised.
The key principles governing RPL/RCC by Aalert Training are:
2.OBJECTIVES OF RPL/RCC With these principles providing a basis for action, Aalert Training’s objectives are:
Aalert Training is committed to assessment processes that are valid, reliable, flexible and fair. This means that:
The extent of recognition sought may be up to one hundred per cent. Aalert Training acknowledges that there is a higher risk associated with this degree of recognition. Aalert Training observes the principle that as the level of risk increases there should be a corresponding increase in the rigour of the RPL/RCC processes.
In determining fees and charges for RPL/RCC services, Aalert Training will apply the principles of access and fairness.
Aalert Training will allow variations in arrangements for assessment for candidates with disabilities and learning difficulties. We seek to remove barriers within assessment processes or practices which place candidates with special needs at a disadvantage, without thereby affording them an unfair advantage over other candidates, or without failing to ensure that these candidates satisfy the requirements of the standards against which they are being assessed. In order to help achieve this aim, we maintain contacts with professional bodies interested in both occupational and educational opportunities for people with disabilities and learning difficulties.
One of our responsibilities is to monitor assessment practice and procedures to ensure the required standards are met. Adjustments to assessment processes and practices must continue to satisfy the requirements of these standards so as not to undermine the credibility of the awards.
Variation of Assessment Arrangements
Aalert Training will normally vary assessment arrangements, where the standards permit, for candidates with disabilities and learning difficulties. The nature of the variations depends largely upon the program being followed and the assessment strategy employed. Arrangements concerning variations to assessment processes and practices must be agreed with the executive director and/or an internal verifier of Aalert Training from whom relevant documentation can be obtained.
Hearing Impairment
Arrangements may include the use of a communicator/interpreter, extra time allowance and mechanical/electronic aids. In addition, candidates whose hearing loss results in a possible linguistic disability may be provided with question papers with appropriately modified wording, as recommended by a specialist teacher of the deaf. (Necessary, additional costs may have to be met by the candidate.)
Visual Impairment
Arrangements may include a the use of a reader, tapes, question papers with large print or braille, use of a keyboard to produce typescript or raised type responses to a question paper, extra time allowance and mechanical/electronic aids. (Necessary, additional costs may have to be met by the candidate.)
Physical Impairment – permanent or temporary
In cases of physical impairment resulting from, for instance, spina bifida, paraplegia or temporary incapacities, arrangements may include an interpreter, extra time allowance and mechanical/electronic aids. (Necessary, additional costs may have to be met by the candidate.)
Learning Difficulties
In the case of candidates with literacy or numeracy difficulties, including specific learning difficulties of a dyslexic or similar nature arrangements may include a reader, extra time allowance, and use of taped responses. (Necessary, additional costs may have to be met by the candidate.)
Medical Conditions
In cases of candidates with medical conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes and respiratory disorders, individual cases will be considered on their merit.
Hospitalisation or Confinement to Home
In such cases, arrangements may be able be made for a challenge test to be held in hospital or at home. (Necessary, additional costs may have to be met by the candidate.) *Additional fees will apply depending on the particular circumstantces.
Aalert Training Code of Practice
Aalert Training will adopt policies and management practices which maintain high professional standards in the marketing and delivery of education services, and which safeguard the educational interests and welfare of participants. As a Registered Training Organisation, Aalert Training will operate within the principles and standards of the Australian Quality Training Framework. This includes a commitment to recognise the training qualifications issued by other Registered Training Organisations.
Aalert Training will meet all legislative requirements of the State and Federal governments. In particular,
requirements of Vocational Education, Training and Employment Act 2000; Workplace Health and Safety; Workplace Relations and Vocational Placement standards will be met at all times.
Recruitment of participants will be conducted at all times in an ethical and responsible manner and consistent with the requirements of the curriculum or National Training Package. Recruitment decisions will rest on the assessment by Aalert Training of the extent to which the stated competency standards and learning outcomes of the program are likely to be achieved by the applicant given her/his qualifications, proficiency, experience and aspirations. Aalert Training will ensure that student selection decisions comply with equal opportunity legislation.
Aalert Training is committed to providing a quality service and a focus on continuous improvement. We value feedback from participants, staff and employers for incorporation into future programs.
Aalert Training has sound management practices which ensure effective client service. In particular we have client service standards to ensure the timely issue of participant results and qualifications. Qualifications are appropriate to competence achieved and are issued in accordance with national guidelines.
Our client service quality focus includes a RPL/RCC Policy, a Refund Policy, Complaints and Appeal Policies, an Access and Equity Policy and participant welfare and guidance services. Where necessary, arrangements will be made for those clients requiring literacy and numeracy support programs. We take every opportunity to ensure that this information is disseminated, understood and valued by personnel and clients.
Our participant information will ensure that all fees and charges are known to participants before enrolment, that program content and assessment procedures are explained and that vocational outcomes are outlined.
Aalert Training agrees to participate in external monitoring and audit processes required by the state training agency.
Aalert Training has policies and management strategies which ensure sound financial and administrative practices. Management guarantees the organisation’s sound financial position and safeguards participant’s fees until used for training/assessment. We have a Refund Policy which is fair and equitable. Participant records are managed securely and confidentially and are available for participant perusal on request*.
Aalert Training has adequate insurance policies.
Aalert Training will market its educational product with integrity, accuracy and professionalism. In the provision of information, no false or misleading comparisons will be drawn with any other provider or course.
Aalert Training has personnel with appropriate qualifications and experience to deliver the training and conduct the assessment relevant to the training products offered. Assessment will meet the National Assessment Principles (including RPL/RCC and credit transfer). Adequate facilities, equipment and training materials will be utilised to ensure the learning environment is conducive to the success of participants. Guarantee Aalert Training will honour all guarantees outlined in this Code of Practice.
Participant Information
Aalert Training will provide accurate, relevant and up-to-date information to participants prior to commencement. This will include, but not be limited to:
Refund Policy
Our participant information will ensure that all fees and charges are available to participants before enrolment, on request. Should Aalert Training cancel any program, participants may be entitled to a full refund or transfer of funds to a future program. This will depend on the particular circumstances. All bookings should be regarded as final and non refundable. If an activity needs to be rescheduled due to weather, machinery breakdowns or other issues outside the influence of Aalert Training participants should remain flexible in their availability to reschedule the activity. Aalert training at its sole discretion MAY choose to issue a partial refund or credit, administration and transactional fees may apply.
Cancellation should be made through the Program Registrar.
Aalert Training uses proper accounting standards to ensure that prepayments are recognised as liabilities.
This ensures the terms of the refund policy can be met.
All payments and enrolment fees should be regarded as non-refundable. Under exceptional circumstances Aalert Training may choose, at its own discretion, to hold enrolment fees in credit.
Cancellations will be billed at full rate, unless another customer can be slotted in to that time slot, in which case Aalert Training may choose not to bill the cancelled participant.
Each individual case will be looked at on its own merits
Cancellation should be made through the Aalert Training office.
Access and Equity Policy and Procedures
Aalert Training will meet the needs of individuals* and the community as a whole through the integration of access and equity guidelines. We will ensure that equity principles are implemented for all people through the fair allocation of resources and the right to equality of opportunity without discrimination. We will increase opportunities for people to participate in the vocational education and training system, and in associated decisions which affect their lives. We will implement customer oriented conservation programs and target the specific needs of market segments in enhancing the economic development of the organisation.
Appeals Policy and Process
All assessment results should normally be considered final. Aalert Training has for ten years complied with the relevant assessment process. Aalert Training is a professional training and assessment organisation. If a candidate feels that they have been denied natural justice or assessed materially outside the assessment instrument they may lodge an appeal. If the applicant has simply not prepared them selves for assessment or misled Aalert regarding the applicants prior experience they are advised not to lodge an appeal. Aalert is not liable for the actions or omissions of third parties. For example if an employer / sponsor or training co- ordinator did not distribute study materials this is not grounds for appeal.
Aalert Training is committed to a fair and equitable process for dealing with participant appeals against assessment policies, processes, practices or outcomes. It strives to deal with issues as soon as they emerge, in order to avoid further disruption or the need for a formal complaint. Participants will be advised, at the time of enrolment, of the appeals process and of their rights with regard to appeals. This information will also be conveyed as part of any initial training program or process.
Complaints Policy and ProcessPOLICY:
Aalert Training is committed to a fair and equitable process for dealing with complaints. It strives to deal with issues as soon as they emerge, in order to avoid further disruption or the need for a formal complaint. Participants will be advised, at the time of enrolment, of the complaints process and of their rights with regard to complaints. This information will also be conveyed as part of any initial training program or process.
Recognition of Prior Learning/Current Competency Policy
The goal of the Recognition of Prior Learning/Current Competency (RPL/RCC) Policy is to ensure that your prior learning, gained through training, work experience or other life experiences, is appropriately recognised.
The key principles governing RPL/RCC by Aalert Training are:
With these principles providing a basis for action, Aalert Training’s objectives are:
Aalert Training is committed to assessment processes that are valid, reliable, flexible and fair. This meansthat:
The extent of recognition sought may be up to one hundred per cent. Aalert Training acknowledges that there is a higher risk associated with this degree of recognition. Aalert Training observes the principle that as the level of risk increases there should be a corresponding increase in the rigour of the RPL/RCC processes.
In determining fees and charges for RPL/RCC services, Aalert Training will apply the principles ofaccess and fairness. As a general rule the fees will be $100 per hour and will be updated from time to time.
Access to Assessment – Candidates with Special Needs
Aalert Training will allow variations in arrangements for assessment for candidates with disabilities and learning difficulties. We seek to remove barriers within assessment processes or practices which place candidates with special needs at a disadvantage, without thereby affording them an unfair advantage over other candidates, or without failing to ensure that these candidates satisfy the requirements of the standards against which they are being assessed. In order to help achieve this aim, we maintain contacts withprofessional bodies interested in both occupational and educational opportunities for people with disabilities and learning difficulties.
One of our responsibilities is to monitor assessment practice and procedures to ensure the required standards are met. Adjustments to assessment processes and practices must continue to satisfy the requirements of these standards so as not to undermine the credibility of the awards.
Variation of Assessment Arrangements*
Aalert Training will normally vary assessment arrangements, where the standards permit, for candidates with disabilities and learning difficulties. The nature of the variations depends largely upon the program being followed and the assessment strategy employed. Arrangements concerning variations to assessment processes and practices must be agreed with the executive director and/or an internal verifier of Aalert Training from whom relevant documentation can be obtained.
Hearing Impairment
Arrangements may include the use of a communicator/interpreter, extra time allowance and mechanical/electronic aids. In addition, candidates whose hearing loss results in a possible linguistic disability may be provided with question papers with appropriately modified wording, as recommended by a specialist teacher of the deaf. (Necessary, additional costs may have to be met by the candidate.)
Visual Impairment
Arrangements may include a the use of a reader, tapes, question papers with large print or braille, use of a keyboard to produce typescript or raised type responses to a question paper, extra time allowance and mechanical/electronic aids. (Necessary, additional costs may have to be met by the candidate.)
Physical Impairment – permanent or temporary
In cases of physical impairment resulting from, for instance, spina bifida, paraplegia or temporary incapacities, arrangements may include an interpreter, extra time allowance and mechanical/electronic aids. (Necessary, additional costs may have to be met by the candidate.)
Learning Difficulties
In the case of candidates with literacy or numeracy difficulties, including specific learning difficulties of a dyslexic or similar nature arrangements may include a reader, extra time allowance, and use of taped responses. (Necessary, additional costs may have to be met by the candidate.)
Medical Conditions
In cases of candidates with medical conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes and respiratory disorders, individual cases will be considered on their merit.
Hospitalisation or Confinement to Home
In such cases, arrangements can normally be made for an assessment to be held in hospital or at home. Due to the high risk nature of the occupations trained by Aalert Training, Aalert Training may seek direction from DIR or DET regarding the suitability of some candidates. For example candidates with profound vision or hearing impairment or physical incapacitation.
* Various fees apply to these remedial activities.
Aalert operates on a best endeavors basis: we make our best endeavors it is up to you to get the outcome.
This is not a situation of equity. You must perform to the highest possible standard regardless of adversities faced. Problem with your study pack? You still must show up on time ready to participate. Problem with work? You must still show up on time ready to participate. Problem at home? You must still show up on time to participate.
Summary; If you don’t like the contract say so (in writing) ASAP and prior to entering into the contract, prior to the activity date, prior to participating in the activity.
If you run late / arrive late AAlert owes you nothing. If you don’t provide ID in advance AAlert owes you nothing, if you cannot provide the requested documentary evidence of your prior study (homework) AAlert owes you nothing. In all these instances you are NOT entitled to a refund and are liable for a $235 fee per hour or part thereof for any action you make it necessary for AAlert (at its sole discretion) to take including attending to proxies such as employers, sponsors, parents, job network providers, fair trading, WH&SQ, ASQA or others.
Participating in this training is analogous to being any employee of the highest standard; you should be ready, willing, and able to participate fully in every aspect of admin, prior study preparation, and physical participation.
1.0 Due to the special nature of the training offered by AAlert it is critical that you participate fully
2.0 In particular it is critical that you complete, comprehensively and purposefully all prior study material. Failure to do this will prevent you from progressing with the face to face phase of the course.
3.0 Further it is critical that you participate fully in and co-operate fully and purposefully with the administrative requirements of the course in the phase(s) prior to your face to face phase.
4.0 In particular it is your responsibility to provide ID as requested and promptly and in advance ofyour face to face phase. If you fail to provide ID within 24 hours of booking / payment AAlert owes you nothing. The requirement for ID in advance is derived from the Queensland Attorney General’s Office. Failure to do this will prevent you from progressing with the face to face phase of the course.
5.0 Given the style of the training you have requested it is important that you arrive on time, you must be onsite and ready, willing, and able to participate safely and in a suitable conscious state (including not hung over, fatigued or stressed out) with appropriate Personal Protective Equipment; In the case of a course with a one day face to face phase you must be ready at the exact time indicated on the invoice / receipt. Failure to do this will prevent you from progressing with the face to face phase of the course. The same goes with courses with a two day and three day face to face phase. For courses with two day face to face phases, Aalert may at its sole discretion allow up to a ten minute grace period. For a Three day face to face phase we may allow up to a twenty minute grace period.
Grace Periods apply to the first day only.
A. Trainer
B. Assessor
C. Moderator
D. Administrator
E. Safety officer
F. Operator (crane,doggers,etc)
G. Land
H. Building facilities
I. Machinery
J. Weather
K. Efficiency / Economy for your own benefit
Generally these terms and conditions are available on our web site, are emailed with quotes / proforma invoices, and are emailed with receipts. These terms and conditions are summarized in the booking / sales phone calls and are provided in hard copy with the study packs. You agree that it is your responsibility to receive your email, that is to effect the receipt of a valid email address by AAlert and to check it (your inbox), and to effectively notify AAlert should you not receive your email. Any repudiation of any part of the contract should be made prior to entering into the contract, prior to payment and prior to acceptance of the contract. You should satisfy yourself regarding cancellation policy or refund policy prior to entering this contract.
AAlert appreciates that trainees may have feelings of or similar to anxiety during the engagement. Trainees are required to conduct themselves in a courteous and respectful manner. The Trainers and Assessors are older, wiser, and busier than may appear. Typically a trainee may have a face to face phase of 1-5 days several times in their lifetime. The Trainers and Assessors on the other hand may be working with trainees six times a week. It is not reasonable to expect trainers and assessors to treat you with as much courtesy as you might expect as they are planning, directing, coordinating your activity for your benefit while also engaging with you. Trainers and assessors are primarily there to provide you with the opportunity to demonstrate your competency rather than be your friend or to be friendly.
If you fail to be courteous to trainers, assessors and staff at all times; AAlertowes you nothing. Offering a trainer and assessor violence (by any medium) may result in you receiving violence with absolute indemnity of AAlert and the trainer / assessor or being charged with assault.
A claimant / plaintiff by any name must follow the complaints / appeals policy promptly. Generally if you are enrolled in a course with a one day face to face phase you must lodge your claim within one day. Two day face to face phases have two days to lodge your claim and so on. In any event ALL CLAIMS MUST BE MADE IN FULL WITHIN 7 DAYS.If due to extreme circumstances brought about by AAlert this is humanly impossible Aalert may at its sole discretion allow a longer period.
At some time you will be asked to return the study material including DVD, Rope, and Easy Guides. If you cannot do this when asked you will not receive your BLUE AS1. This will prevent you from proceeding with applying for your certificate of competency. You WILL however be provided with your YELLOW AS1 and statement of attainment. This will also include the discharge of AAlert’s obligations from you and your assessor’s obligations to you. At AAlert’ssole discretion you may be offered the opportunity to indemnify Aalert from its loss by paying $100 in cash or returning the study packs at another date. Loss of study packs creates an administrative burden on AAlert and the next trainee loses the opportunity to use the materials and this causes a number of losses for Aalert;
A. Time in ordering replacements.
B. Time for formatting and polishing of replacement, $40
C. Stickers for replacement
D. Inbound postage on replacement, $9
E. Time in ordering, stickers, picking up, and paying for DVD $50
F. Lost opportunity cost in sale of training to next trainee $550-$1,750
G. Loss of copyright control of DVD
There are several lifestyles; FIFO / Mining, remote and recreational Complications that often arise from FIFO / mining, remote lifestyle are; last minute bookings and delays in receiving study packs. AAlert at all times will make a reasonable effort, with due care to dispatch study packs via reputable carriers. However, if you are outside the Brisbane metro area, outside our courier service area or outside the Australia post express post next day delivery area, AAlert takes no responsibility for issues arising. AAlert does advertise in these areas via internet and AAlert can service these areas via Australia post. You will of course still need to attend the Crestmead site for the face to face phase of the activity. However, AAlert recommends all bookings made 2 weeks in advance to avoid these issues. Aalert will always do what it can to provide you the opportunity to advance yourself, including taking books in a shorter time frame but this is not recommended and it is at your peril. This also applies to matters arising from misplaced or duplicate study packs.
Complications that arise from a recreational lifestyle are; hang overs, sleep-ins, running late, less than optimal diet and less than optimal mental function. This may result in you being confused about the time, date, and preparation required for your course. You are wholly responsible for this. If you have a social engagement such as a wedding, birthday, childbirth or any family commitment in particular to attend to, it is important you think about this BEFORE selecting a training date. With regards to funerals, Aalert sincerely expresses its condolences. However the loss is yours, not ours and if you choose not to participate at the contracted date and time you will be charged the FULL price.
Given that AAlert specializes in marketing to mature age workers with prior experience or prior similar experience and transferable skills and given that AAlert sends out study packs in advance you will be expected to be ready to complete the theory and a good part of practical assessment upon arrival, if you cannot do this you may not be eligible to participate further in the course. No refund. We normally schedule for 4-6 trainees so whatever dates are on your invoice that is our experienced estimate of how long it will take to process 4-6 trainees. If there are 1-2 trainees on the course it should take proportionately less time to complete the course. If you cannot keep up with this time frame it is your failing; most likely due to (A) Not having the experience you outlined or (B) Not having completed the prior study. In any event it is a problem of your making.
BIRTHS / DEATHS / MARAGIES / SICKNESSES / ACCIDENTS (of you or others people) Around 25% of AAlert trainees claim one of the above. Obviously AAlert could not run a business based on a policy of anything other than; ‘’problem belonging to trainee not AAlert’’.
In any of the above cases a fair balance needs to be struck against AAlerts lost opportunity cost and other consideration. In the case of a death of a family member the trainee may not be in a suitable conscious state to operate heavy machinery safely. Given that deaths of a very close relative do not happen many times in life we suggest that you do attend the funeral / wake etC as is appropriate in your culture / religion.
Given that up to 25% of AAlert trainees claim one of the above we are unable to provide any discount / rebooking / variation from our usual cancelation policy.
We do remind genuine claimants that; it can only happen a very small number of times in your whole life that you would be enrolled on a course and suffer this type of bereavement whereas AAlert is faced with this claim often.
Drug and alcohol policy;
1.0 Aalert maintains a ZERO tolerance level for drugs and alcohol of an intoxicating, recreational or narcotic nature.
2.0 Other than drugs prescribed by a qualified medical practitioner no inebriation is allowed on an aalert site. If you can not provide the script when requested you may have your contract terminated without compensation.
3.0 Any trainee, may be asked to provide a sample of; breath, urine or saliva, for any or no reason, with any or no notice.
4.0 Failure to comply within a reasonable period will be proceed as a failure of said test and will terminate your contract and any obligation Aalert has to you. You will NOT be entitled to a refund.
Site access and induction policy;
1.0 There is no implied consent to entry. Only those nominated and accepted by Aalert may enter AAlerts site.
2.0 The usual criteria will be supervision in a accordance with you purpose, and duration of visit, it is important that trainees have completed the prior study packs as this serves as part of the site induction.
Records policy;
1.0 Any calls may be recorded by Aalert for any purpose. Aalert does not authorize other parties to record calls.